I don’t think I’m the dishonest one here, I’m just trying to have a logical and rational conservation here about a very emotional topic. Making an argument backed up by evidence is not gaslighting. My wrestling friend isn’t just any wrestling friend, she’s my ex-girlfriend. Here at Medium, people blog their stories, and it’s obvious that storytelling is not a scientific test.
I agree that “of the 45 men who scored a run time in the 100-meter dash at the 2019 World Athletic Championships in Doha, all but THREE had faster times than the fastest woman who ever lived. Every athletic training textbook on the planet acknowledges these very real aggregate differences. They are the sole reason why women’s sports exist in the first place. What I am saying here is not the least bit extraordinary and rests upon a whole universe of tangible proof. There are reams of historical evidence to interrogate”. My blog post doesn’t actually dispute that at all, ie my blog post doesn’t argue that non-medically transitioned transwomen should be allowed to compete in women’s sports. It’s obvious that I’m not the one gaslighting here, and I don’t appreciate you making extraordinary unsubstantiated accusations against me.
I have no obligation to show you “extraordinary proof” when you can easily Google said proof, you can’t make me. Transwomen who medically transition don’t just get “a bit of hormone therapy” (Google is your friend here). As I blogged in this post, one shouldn’t underestimate the power of HRT, which renders the “male body” female (almost), and takes away the relevant effects of male puberty. Essentially, there is a fundamental absence of evidence supporting your argument. Google should indicate to you that the science supports my argument, because there is no fundamental unfairness to the kind of competition I ask for (I can’t demand, I can’t make people do things). The IOC and many other elite-level sporting organisations tend to agree with me, and for good scientific reason.
My post isn’t a rambling post, and I’ve never argued that gender identity alters biology – your gaslighting is failing here. I made a religious argument against a religious argument made by Rev Dr Court. Two women having a debate in public here, what’s the big deal?